Cairn Tibetan
Medicine Psychotherapy & Counselling Services Online :
Cairn Tibetan Medicine Materia Medica, Psychotherapy
and Counselling Online, was initiated in December 1999, during
the Bouddhanath Stupa Health Anthropology Seminar, which aims
were to investigate and support the potential resources for
Tibetan Medicine found in the local community, as well as
address from a consensual diagnosis what were the recent
epidemiological and health education concerns facing the
Tibetan and Nepalese target- community in contemporary Nepal,
and its important migration diaspora linked with N-India and
Tibet (TAR China).
terms of Research and Development (R&D) for Culturally
Appropriate Health Education, the issues of Health Education
and Treatment meant that Cairn/SXC Network had to
progressively increase its visibility and credibility at
grassroots, survey the resources existing in the Bauddha
strategic -site, while also seeking for autonomy in terms of
self-sustainable initiatives. Indeed, survival of strategic
decision-making and project management at local level seldom
fits with being busy drafting numerous projects to local
donors, which redtapes, jargons, heavy paperwork and lobbying
led Nepal Development Aid to what it is today. In short, some
balance must prevail. Short- term budget hardly answers the
vision of a long-term intervention,
Part of Cairn Online Services
consists in the Psychotherapy & Counselling praxis hereunder:
Counselling Contract Form
This MoU contract is between Mr.
William R LEON, certified Transpersonal Tibetan Psychology
Counsellor, CEO Cairn Consortium, resident at SXC in KTM Nepal,
, and the
following person(s):
Clients address: |
Post code: |
Phone number: |
email: |
Clients address: |
Post code: |
Phone number: |
email: |
Cairn Counselling Referral
I undersigned, William R
LEON, CAIRN CEO, am as an individual member of the Cairn
Consortium Association for Holistic Tibetan Counselling
and Psychotherapy (HTCP) to be bound by the international code of ethics and
practice, this in relation with the R&D in Tibetan Traditional
Healing Counselling, and CAIRN General Terms&Conditions at :
, and at :
Cairn Counsellors will focus on the Case- Confidential Data gathered either
through face-to-face consultation(s) or Online, and will be
using the Holistic Psychology model for Counselling which is
compatible with the specificities of Himalayan / Tibetan Medicine Philosophy
and Materia Medica, per se. Cairn services are specialized since 1983 in
the Holistic approach, initiated for ITAS/ATB
Transpersonal Psychology Training Seminars in Tibetan
Psychotherapy in EU, which we organized in Belgium and UK. We will
also use various Applied Psychology diagnosis concepts within
our work and will value the influences and methodology of the
humanistic and person centred approaches.
I am committed to provide a
safe, confidential and reliable counselling environment for my
clients, either through physical resources in the EU, UK or
KTM/Nepal, as well as through Online medium.
Our Counselling approach does
not focus on the medical problem, per se, which is always
examined in close consulation with selected MD specialists and/or
Tibetan Amchis in charge of the medical praxis, but on what
are the existing and practical unused opportunities you may
have. For example the counselling will help to activate your
unused body&mind and spiritual potentials, as described in the
Tibetan Medicine Tantras and Tsa-rLung practices. It may use
various techniques, like yogas breathing, visualisation and
meditation, as well as relaxation and stress management to
help you with coping strategies. These will be explained and
introduced to you in a suitable context.
Confidentiality and
The content of the session is
confidential to you and me. I will need to discuss our work
with the Tibetan Amchis or Lamas Traditional Health Supervisor
and peer technical supervision groups. I will use your
first name but not use any other identifying details about you.
On very rare occasions if we discover there is a need to
communicate with other professionals, this will only proceed
with first seeking your permission and knowledge of what is to
be discussed. I make brief notes after each session, this
helps me to monitor my work. You will not be identified from
these records and they are securely stored.
I, as CAIRN CEO, am committed to offering
good practice. However, my insurance based on resources in
Nepal cannot include personal indemnity and public liability
not specifically listed in your Contract (Memorandum of
Understanding : MoU) for Nepal. The SXC/CAIRN
in KTM/Nepal and possible Referral to Technical Experts will
always have a copy of the MoU.
Option One : Free!
Introduction Sessions
Anyone can book FREE
counselling online session at Cairn- Avalon, if they feel it
might be helpful. This is a decision which we encourage at the
Introduction Stage for people to be informed and to make for
themselves. It is quite normal for people to go through an
introduction period while being worried or depressed, or
simply struggling to keep pace with major changes in their
lives. At times like these, people have many different ways of
coping, and getting case-based focus answers from a counsellor
and chat online to talk things through can help them make
sense of what is happening and what they want to initiate
within their own time and resources. Cairn will provide a
trained and objective Counsellor Online, being either based in
Belgium, France, UK, canada, USA, Nepal, Tibet, China or India.
This way Cairn offers culturally appropriate ways of listening
and a different operational perspective. Counsellors will not
judge you, analyse you or tell you what to do. Their aim is to
help you find your own solutions.
The issues you bring to
counselling are confidential and this will be respected except
in the most extreme circumstances. When confidentiality needs
to be extended, your counsellor will seek to discuss the
situation with you first. They would then consult Experts or
other Referral- Services, or deputy, maintaining your
anonymity at this stage. Your counsellor might also discuss
your case in counselling supervision as a routine part of
their work, but your identity would be protected.
Option One is valid for a
duration One Month, starting date of first contact debriefing.
A first meeting with a counsellor will last usually up to 50
minutes, giving an opportunity to start talking about your
reasons for contacting Cairn. In addition it will give both
you and the counsellor the chance to assess whether continued
counselling, perhaps for a week or two - or maybe for longer -
would be appropriate for your needs. This first meeting, which
we call the Assessment Session, is without obligation to
continue; please feel free to ask questions. This exploratory
meeting may be sufficient on its own or you might decide to
come for a limited series of weekly sessions. Occasionally,
referral elsewhere might be most useful.
Option Two : Sessions and Fees
Option Two consists in the
opening of a Personal Counselling (Online File) for a precise
duration period. It may consists also in face-to-face
meetings, research documentation or other required expertises
tasks decided with the Applicants. Option two is sanctioned on
a case-to-case basis by a Memorandum of Understanding
Agreement (MoU) defining the TOR of the tasks being requested
by the Applicants. The Fees and Conditions are similar to
Option Three, but limited as package.
Option Three: Sessions and Fees
Sessions will be for several
50 minutes every week, this including the preparation which is
needed in technical terms based on the evolution of your file,
or other research I will need to do for you. The fee for your
session will be £30 or Euro 50, per session. We have agreed to
meet in principle on schedule for 1 minimum to 5 sessions
maximum, per week, this either online or face-to-face, and
also agreed to leave the project ending open so you can cease
counselling when you feel ready. The training in Tibetan
Medicine Psychology and related Tsa-rLung Yogas is to be made
in Nepal, which conditions are online at Cairn Consortium
Psychotherapy & Counselling Portal at:
Depending on the length of
time we contract together, you may require to alter your
schedule or you want to end counselling. In this case, kindly
notify with prior- 48 hours notice. Without
this notice any missed sessions with be counted towards your
overall appointments and will need to be paid for, the
schedule agreed here is the reference.
I offer online counselling of
1 to 5 times a week, as you need, for a mimimum of 3 months.
This counselling MoU agreement will be automatically
terminated at your request.
Please undersign hereunder
that this is what we have agreed together today. If you wish
to negotiate any changes therein, I will be happy to do so in
writing annexure, before you sign.
This agreement is fully
understood and agreed to and is signed as it stands by :
.. Client
.. Client
and William R LEON, CAIRN CEO,
KTM Nepal
Contact details: |
Cairn Consortium
Counselling Online |
Telephone / fax : 00 977
1 5522126 |
PO Box 3450 | |
St- Xavier's Campus |
KTM | |
Nepal | |
Lately, Cairn Consortium decided to contribute to the
revitalization of the Tibetan Medicine Dbase Research System
through a pilot-projet focused on Drug-Abuse and/or HIV/AIDS
health education, treatment and counselling. From an initial
networking with selected PHC and amchi health
centres and the improvement of access to medicinal raw
materials to disadvantaged target-groups, the programme is
currently engaged in training research, which aims to directly
address the problem of remedials to the pressing health,
social and spiritual issues facing the Himalayan/Tibetan
medical system. This accordingly studies the Materia Medica,
Philosophy and Tantras Yogas, as well as the belief and
attitudinal social dynamics of the target-groups and
goes without saying, that from those activities, a core of
precious opportunities will surface for European/Western
scholars, researchers, students and eventual people seeking
for relevant Tibetan Medicine related resources and/or