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 INTERNATIONAL  | Nepal | India | China | Tibet | Bruxelles |Nice |Genoa |Paris |Scotland|Canada | Graz | London |Wales |





  William  R. Leon 
Cairn  Webmaster©2005









Cairn Campus Online


Bachelor | Masters |    Doctorate  Thesis | Continuing Education



Cairn Consortium



Cairn  Erasmus
INGO Partners



Cairn  Counselling



Healing & Rejuvenation


Cain e- Marketing


Tibetan " Tsa-rLung "


General   Programme


Cairn Campus
Professional Doctorate
Field-research & Thesis


Cairn Campus
Boddhanath Stupa
Tibetan Medicine &
Psychotherapy (R&D)

amchi3.gif - 27.51 K


Cairn Campus


Cairn Campus
Audio-visual  Anthropology
(Digital Archives Project)


Cairn Campus
Information, Registration
and   Application Forms : 
-  Cultural Awareness Asia
 - Winter Campus France 
 - Summer Campus  in EU 
 - Accommodation 
 - Cultural  Immersion EU
 - Study Abroad in Canada
 - Personal Project...

Cairn Campus
Cultural Immersion and 
Field-studies Nepal/India


Tibetan Medicine,
Tsa-rLung Healing
& Rejuvenation Seminars
(January-February 2005)


Research Publication









Euro-Asia Transcultural   Cultural Immersion  Volunteer  Options

Coaching , Experiential Seminars and Training Online Consultancy for helping academic exchange and new graduates, postgraduates or experienced professionals to get training and find jobs 


Cairn Erasmus is a personalized cultural immersion e-learning and communication gateway for parents, teachers, and postgraduate research students. It offers selected online courses and field-research resources focused on Asian LDCs development priorities and intervention research  niches, such as in HRD Capacity Building, e-Marketing, NLPIII, Humanitarian Intervention, Clinical Anthropology, Prospective Anthropology, Tibetan Traditional Healing Psychotherapy, Counselling, Remediation, etc...   Being certified as Cross-cultural Awareness Postgraduate personal research or training projects, within a  flexible menu, Cairn options are organized from the SXC/Cairn KTM selected resources, based in Nepal, northern India, Tibet TAR China, Canada, USA, UK and EU.

Cairn Academic Coaching  is a personalized program and is offered one-on-one by appointment.

Together, you and your personal academic coach will assess your vision of things you want to achieve during your Postgraduate and Doctorate Studies, the expectations of your academic supervisors and professors, the demands in courses material, the risks the contextual research involves, your learning strengths, the logistics required, the areas which you will need to investigate, and the best strategies to use in each of your assignements. Your academic coach can help you improve your data gathering and analysis, Asian target-groups cultural immersion,  taking, writing and reporting structure, public speaking, self-management, time management, dbase online reading, field- preparation, and strategic sites strategies.

In addition to personal help with learning strategies for development being relevant in an Asian context, Cairn coaching team will assist research students in translating, accessing and applying methodology abiding to the EU scholarships, such as the Erasmus Mundus Asia, etc...




Cairn  International  Studies

Cairn  International  Studies will improve European students' ability to work in an increasingly globalized environment in Nepal and surrounding Asia. The goal is to prepare European students and trainees for focused international tasks, promote interactive and communicative skills and encourage an open and receptive attitude towards the Himalayan region ethnic cultures. Cairn Euro-Asian Network will further increase opportunities for internships, field-research and online studies within an international dimension and with selected international experts cooperation. 

Cairn Cross-Cultural Awareness program stresses that for an Euro-Asian cross-cultural training to be effective as an enhancement for an international development organization, it must deal with several complexities in the learning process, including that of providing flexible options for genuine Projects-based Cultural Immersion. Just providing information, or some online courses, is not an effective approach for the future Euro-Asian relations, beyond that of a basic introductory level. 

Cairn believes that such training should be an interactive intercultural process, through the use of flexible training modules being a menu of Cultural Immersion Options organized in strategic target-sites, where the behavioral situation, case studies, scenarios, critical incidents, catharsis and crisis resolution, will bring to participants and beneficiaries focused and longterm results. 

Cairn is also launching a stepwise development of a Mixed Mode Postgraduates and Masters ECDL/ECTS Certification centered around disciplines initiated from the EU partners units and linked with the pressing issues of Nepal/Asian LDCs Development Management. This unique mode of study allows students the flexibility to study through a combination of residential home courses in the EU, field-study in Asia, group sessions and flexible distance learning.  The recommended pattern of study starting in 2004/2005 is currently under-design, for the following options.





Jobs, study and training for 
European Postgraduates in Asia 

" In the future, interesting jobs will move to Asia!  See with us how to really work in Asia!..."

Cairn  Campus Internship   Contact Us   Coaching    Search   Campus 
Energotherapy Musicotherapy   Healing   Arts&Therapy   Musicians   Art Gallery
Cross-cultural Awareness Diploma Field- Research Immersion Nepal Research in India Tibetan Philosophy Tibetan Energotherapy Tibetan Medicine Psychotherapy
Volunteer Jobs/ Internships Asia e- Learning Mixed Mode Tibetan Medicine  Application and Registration  e-Learning
Cairn  Consortium Network Postgraduate Options   Cross-Cultural Awareness   ECTS/ECDL  Certification      Registration Form
UCL/ANSO/LAAP UCL/FOPES   Nice Lamic (FR)   Swansea Wales   UCL/ARAC   Registration Fees
Heart@Work NGO Healing in Canada  Graz U Austria FH Joanneum   CIHTS India Varanasi U   Erasmus Mundus   Lhasa Tibet TAR China   SXC/SXSSC Nepal
Cairn Professional Doctorate Thesis What's New? Cairn in Asia! UKPS- London Psychology Non- Credits Tours&Study Media and
Genoa U Ethnomedicine
Doctorate School Erasmus NOHA ISI-CNV HIV/AIDS  R&D Counselling Visas & Advice
EU-NGO Statutes Erasmus Executive  Board Advisory Board Network Pedagogy


________________  Innovative programme    ________________

Cairn offers  academic  and  non-academic options,  open to all... 


Nepal / Himalayan Region
Field-study  Itineraries
click here!

CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates
in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars


En bref

Objectifs et public visé

Formation ouverte pour les agents futurs du post-développement et des relations entre l' Europe et l' Asie.  Cette nouvelle orientation est plus spécialement destinée aux responsables actuels ou potentiels de programmes et projets de développement, confrontés sur le terrain aux multiples problèmes que pose la réussite des projets de développement NGOs, privés ou publics en Asie. Elle vise également à promouvoir une autre visibilité des activités et ressources Européenne en Asie.  Conçue par Cairn KTM en vue et sous l' égide des nouveaux programmes European Commission / Erasmus Mundi et Asia-Link (revised Guidelines Y2005), elle s'argumente à partir des outils d' une pédagogie inspirée de la FOPES et du CAIRN/LAAP, donc volontairement innovatrice, et intégrant le "Open Learning Adult Continuous Education Online" (le système de gestion ICT-/VLE de la pédagogie online Internet :e-tutors), les Multimedia Database,  "l ' Immersion Culturelle" (Field-study Cultural Immersion) et la gestion inter- universitaire, inter- facultaire et inter- disciplinaire de "joint- curriculum options". Conçu pour projets de recherche ou d'études personnalisées (Open Learning Menu Options) d' un niveau post-graduats EU: Masters et Doctorats, une Menu des thèmes principaux (priorities) et ressources opérationelles online est proposés aux participants.  Le Cairn/SXC joint-programme est déjà entièrement opérationnel au Népal. Depuis la fin des années 80, il a été testé en continu lors de la supervision de groupes de  recherches individuelles.  En tant que module d' éducation continue, il s'adresse donc à la fois aux étudiants, chercheurs, gestionnaires NGOs/SMEs, coordinateurs, cadres administratifs ou techniques du développement, impliqués et/ou intéressés par l 'Asie en général, et motivé par la nécéssité d'une intervention plus éthique requise dans le cadre actuel pressant des régions stratégiques du Népal et de l' Himalaya, en particulier. Il se déroule principalement en Anglais, quoique les langues locales peuvent bien sûr être également étudiées …



Ce programme dure de deux à quatre ans, en partie sur base des facilités access to Open Learning Online Tutoring & Dbase, d' autre part sur le terrain de l' intervention en Asie. Le Open Learning Online consiste dans la gestion interactive d'un menu de cours et/ou de la documentation online recouvrant les options du programme, dont le e-coaching/tutoring se déroule à date et horaire fixe convenus entre les formateurs et les participants. Les stages "Internship" et "Field-study Cultural Immersion" au Népal/Asie se déroulent selon une organisation par batch (groupes à themes). Les étudiants/chercheurs inscrits dans cette orientation sont tenus de produire des research papers (essay), valant comparativement la durée de cours crédits ECTS/ECDL equivalente à 945 h au total (ou toute autre définition de crédits jugée satisfaisante selon les objectifs facultaires) : 
  • Euro-Asia Joint-curriculum Options 
  • Cross-cultural Awareness Priorities 
  • Online Tutoring & Multimedia Dabase 
  • Field-Research Cultural Immersion in Asia 
  • Analyse de l'environnement des projets  
  • Gestion des projets de développement en groupe 
  • Conception, formulation et évaluation participative des projets 



  Opérationnel dés 2004 à CAIRN/SXC KTM Népal, contact: <>

Postgraduate Options réparties de 2 à 4 années: Open Learning / ECTS/ECDL.

A l' UCL/ANSO/LAAP (Prof. M. Singleton) et FOPES: à partir de janvier 2005.

Mémoire de fin d'études publié Online, avec débouché possible niveau Ecole Doctorale.

Joint- Postgraduate Programme CAIRN/SXC et Université de Louvain, LLN, Belgique

Financement - Coût des études
Le programme proposé par CAIRN Consortium EU-NGO est conçu en relation avec les bourses d'études du projet EC- Erasmus Mundus, prévues pour 2006; auparavant, les candidats intéressés doivent prendre contact avec CAIRN et trouver un financement.

Nepal / Himalayan Region
Field-study  Itineraries
click here!

CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates
in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars



New Postgraduate Options in  Euro-Asian  Cross-Cultural Awareness


Cairn is offering a new interdisciplinary postgraduate programme for exploring the current diversity and strategic issues raised by cultural differences between Asian and European people. To know local values, attitudes and belief systems (KABP), as they may apply to the decision making process in the ethnic and castes context of Asia, is of tremendous importance for the success of any venture, development aid- mission or job, as well as for knowing what consequences they can have on core issues in education, social/health intervention, crisis remediation,  international collaboration business, or in the daily life, for those who work with/in Asia. 


Drawing from the closely related disciplines of psychology, sociology and anthropology, the programme will familiarise postgraduate students and researchers with the context and nature  in cultural changes affecting Asian contemporary ethnic groups and societies, through examining experientially through a personalized cultural immersion or field-research project what are the current impacts in the social/health and education sectors, in post-development intervention (NGOS), in current cheap labour migration and international business, as well as on individuals.

While this core programme is the only one of its kind presented online, it draws its originality and credibility on more than 15 years daily involvement in strategic issues of the Himalayan regions, on the prevailing misconceptions in the West on core decision making issues and on the urgency to upgrade awareness on the values, attitude and beliefs for a better future. This programme is aimed at both new postgraduates, professionals (NGOs, SMEs and HEIs)  and those currently in research projects or envisioning employment with links with Asia. It provides research-orientated teaching online and in situ direct supervision in Asia, and can be studied full time (one to three years) or part time on a day release basis (two to five years). Research options are presented within the Open Menu Modules 

(click here)

Postgraduates and research applicants of this scheme will possess the experiential background and professional skills necessary to work efficiently in Asia, in a wide range of careers of an increasingly global and multicultural society.

The new scheme will be taught using both Cultural Immersion (Tour&Study) in selected strategic sites in Asia, as well as the usual combination of online courses, lectures, seminars, group work and practical fieldwork, including a dissertation. Students will be continuously assessed by tutors online on the basis of their essays, report writing and presentation of portfolios. There are no examinations for this programme, as the final aim is based on personalized experiential and tailored project which fulfilment will require genuine and continuous efforts on the ground...

Applicants should have a degree in a related subject and/or relevant professional qualifications and experience. This scheme is under the ECTS/ECDL  Adult Continuous Education / Open Menu European Certification Guidelines & Policy. (For more details click here)


Cairn Consortium academic network resources and facilities in Nepal, India, Europe, UK- and Canada are also open to all Asian postgraduates & trainees






Nepal / Himalayan Region
Field-study  Itineraries
click here!

CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates
in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars


|   CAIRN  Campus Online  Consortium   |   Postgraduate  Programme   |   Counselling   Training   |  Nepal Cultural Immersion  &  Field-studies   |   Powerplaces   |


Copyright©  and  Footnote

This webpage is part of the CAIRN Campus Online  Counselling Training (Tsa-rLung) being designed for the academic year 2004-05. It will be continuously upgraded
for improving its multimedia elements, aiming to attain a fully interactive wireless platform with forum (chat), video-streaming ,
VLE courses online and multimedia database applications, with a personalized login access and configuration.

If you found any errors or misconceptions in our webpage, or if you  have any problems loading Keltic Trilogy / Cairn Homepage with your browser,
kindly contact us by email at our address : <> , or  at : <>

CAIRN : " Center for Advanced Integrated Research in Nepal"  is a Non- Profit Organization (EU-NGO) / High Education (HEI) and Training Provider, affiliated with
the St- Xavier's Social Services and St- Xavier's Campus in KTM / Nepal,  the UWS/CDS (Swansea University Wales / Center for Development Studies),
the UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP (Anthropologie Prospective Unit UCL/LLN), the UCL/FOPES (Adult Education / Development Aid Section at UCL/LLN),
the ISI-CNV Institute (PNL Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Training Nice/S-of-France), as well as with selected INGOs, Education NGOs,
Tibetan and Himalayan Traditional Social/Health Care Units or  CHOWs Training Centers in Nepal, India, Canada, USA and the EU-

All documents, courses layouts and seminars archives are copyright at UCL/ANSO/LAAP under reference :  CAIRN PGR 2001-04!

Copyright © 1997-2004 by William R. LEON c/o Keltic Trilogy / CAIRN Consortium
- All rights reserved - Advanced Integrated Field-studies cum Training -


What is Erasmus Mundus?

Erasmus Mundus (formerly Erasmus World) is a programme proposed by the European Commission intended "to enhance quality in European higher education and to promote intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries."

Designed as a five-year project (2004-2008), money will be available primarily for "third-country nationals" (i.e. citizens of non-European Union countries) to study in "Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses", and for EU nationals to study abroad at non-European institutions that are participating in such joint European postgraduate courses. In addition, some funding for the development and operation of selected courses is proposed. The start of Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses with participation of third-country students is anticipated to begin in September 2004.

The Commission estimates that around 480 students would participate in the programme by 2008, and approximately 100 programmes would be designated as "Erasmus Mundus Courses". In total, €230 million is available for the entire project.