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Tibetan  Traditional  Medicine  Psychotherapy  &  Counselling  Online 

CAIRN  CONSORTIUM  INTERNATIONAL | Nepal | India | China | Bruxelles | Nice | Canada |  London |Wales |










  William  R. Leon 
Cairn  Webmaster©2005













































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INGO Partners



Cairn  Counselling



Healing & Rejuvenation


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Tibetan " Tsa-rLung "


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Boddhanath Stupa
Tibetan Medicine &
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Cairn Campus
Cultural Immersion and 
Field-studies Nepal/India


Tibetan Medicine,
Tsa-rLung Healing
& Rejuvenation Seminars
(January-February 2005)


Research Publication






Euro-Asia Transcultural   Cultural Immersion  Volunteer  Options

Coaching , Experiential Seminars and Training Online Consultancy for helping academic exchange and new graduates, postgraduates or experienced professionals to get training and find jobs 



   working-  paper  only!



Cairn Tibetan Medicine 

HIV/AIDS  Counselling Online Support  Project Design

Cairn Tibetan Medicine Materia Medica, Psychotherapy and Counselling Online, was initiated in December 1999, during the Bouddhanath Stupa Health Anthropology Seminar, which aims were to investigate and support the potential resources for Tibetan Medicine found in the local community, as well as to address from a consensual diagnosis what were the recent epidemiological and health education concerns facing the Tibetan and Nepalese target- community in contemporary Nepal, and the important migration diaspora linked with current crisis in Nepal, India and Tibet (China). 

At this stage, Cairn Network is involved in the feasibility assessment and design of this project, which is intended to respond to Drug- Abuse & HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Counselling in the target-migrant population.





Cross-Cultural  Awareness, Healing  & Leadership,  as Services

Cairn Traditional Medicine Psychotherapy & Counselling first mission is that of world peace through love, service, healing, and leadership. To achieve that seemingly out-of-reach goal, Cairn Network has  created many ways through which concerned people may get involved with us, either face to face or online, and be kept informed of our efforts and programs.

The first option is the e-learning, online-tutoring or teleclass. These are either free, one-time introductory classes and download files, or multi-session e-learning programs cum personal tutoring schedule, such as in Tibetan Traditional Healing Tantras Philosophy and Psychotherapy Tsa-rLung, which combine with in-situ Cultural Immersion / Field-study Experientials in a Himalayan Healing Center, are actually the mixed-mode cobination of real situation with virtual workshops.

It is not necessary to be a registered as Healing School student to participate in most of these programs. Laypeople may tune-in without prior-conditions, although some programs certification do have clinical training praxis prerequisites.

Cairn main focus is on personal experiential development programs. These are designed to promote your personal healing knowhow, intuitive skills, deepen your knowledge in Materia Medica and Philosophy, facilitate eventual spiritual unfolding, and refine your powers of healing others.


Teleclasses: Classes are held over the internet, through e-learning, tutoring or telemedicine.  
Workshops: Join us for one of our Cultural Immersion Options or Seminar workshops.  
Personal Development This is Tibetan / Himalayan personal experiential healing at its deepest.  
Psy-Healing School: With defined areas of Psychotherapy study, this is the core of Cairn Consortium



Culturally  Appropriate   Traditional Medicine Treatment  & Counselling

Treatment and care consists of a number of different elements including voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), food and nutrition, support for the prevention of onward transmission of HIV, follow-up counselling, protection from stigma and discrimination, spiritual support, treatment of STIs, management of nutritional effects, prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections (OIs), the provision of antiretrovirals (ARVs), traditional treatment, end of life care, preparing for death, family and orphan support.

HIV positive people have differing needs according to the stage of their infection, the first stage is when people are asymptomatic, that is when they have no signs/symptoms of their infection. The second stage is when people have symptoms of HIV infection. The third stage relates to support and care of people who are terminally ill and nearing the end of their life.


There are three kinds of  Healing & Counselling  methods known to us:

  1. Modern medicine & counselling,

  2. Traditional medicine (Tibetan, Ayurvedic, Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, etc)

  3. Spiritual (Tsa-rLung, Energo-therapy, yogas, pujas, magnetism, cleansing, etc)



Research  Design


Background:  AIDS Symptoms and Related Diseases

AIDS has many different kinds of symptoms. The average time between HIV infection and the manifestation of symptoms is 10 years. Then a combination of non-specific symptoms show up. Symptoms can be sub-grouped (these are symptoms from all stages of AIDS):

  • Systemic Symptoms: Fever, dehydration, night sweats, weight loss (but losing more muscle than fat), low or no appetite, nausea, vomiting (these lead to weight loss), malabsorption, diarrhea from infection/parasites, and/or increased metabolic rate.
  • Sinopulmonary Disease: Pneumocystis pneumonia, other infectious pulmary disease, noninfectious pulmonary disease, sinusitis.
  • Central Nervous System (CNS) Diseases: Toxoplasmosis, CNS lymphoma, AIDS dementia, cryptococcal meningitis, HIV myelopathy, Progressive Multifocal Leukencephalopathy (PML)
  • Peripheral Nervous System Disease: Inflammatory polyneuropathies, sensory neuropathies, mononeuropathies
  • Rheumatologic Disease
  • Myopathy (muscle disease)
  • Retinitis
  • Oral lesions
  • Gastrointestinal: Candidal esophagitis, hepatic disease, biliary disease, enterocolitis, gastropathy, malabsorption
  • Skin: Herpes simplex and zoster, molluscum, staphylococcus, bacillary angiomatosis
  • Malignancies
  • Gynecological: Vaginal candida, cervical dysplasia and neoplasia, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease




Research on Alternative Himalayan / Tibetan /  Chinese Medicine Treatments for AIDS

It's difficult to study treatments for AIDS because a high percentage of chronically ill patients drop out... their disease and the study are usually too demanding for them. Nevertheless, some good studies exist. Herbs and herb formulas' effects as reported in studies are mentioned below. Others mentioned below may not have been studied. In both cases, chinese medical functions may be mentioned as well.


Existing  Chinese Herb Formulas for AIDS Treatment

The most common chinese herbal treatment strategy for AIDS is Fu Zheng, Supporting the Righteous. That means boosting the immune system, etc. This is most common because many AIDS patients are also on western drug cocktails. These drugs take quite a toll on the body- among other things, they injure the qi, create phlegm, and cause Liver-Spleen disharmonies. Fu Zheng therapies can help restore balance.

  • HY-1: chai hu, huang qin, ban xia, ren shen, da zao, gan cao, sheng jiang, huang qi, fang feng. Based on Xiao Chai Hu T & Jade Wind. Harmonizes Liver and Spleen, Boosts Wei qi
  • HY-2: huang qi, fang feng, ren shen, huang jian or ye jiao teng or he shou wu, yin yang huo, shu di huang. Boosts Yin and Yang.
  • Milingwang: huang qi, ling zhi, dang shen, bai zhu, gan cao, shu di huang, sha shen, wu wei z, sheng jiang, da zao, ji xue teng, tu si zi, shan yao, jie geng, nu zhen zi, bai shao, chen pi. Boosts bone marrow, RBC, inhibits viruses (polio).
  • Resist: huang qi, nu zhen zi, dang shen, shan yao, ji xue teng, ling zhi, ren shen, bai shao, shu di, wu wei zi, siberian ginseng, gan cao. Increases red blood cells, white blood cells, B cells, hemoglobin, and the phagocystic action of leukocytes.

The second most common treatment strategy is Qu Xie, Dispelling Evil. This is roughly the same strategy that western drug cocktails use... what is commonly thought of as 'chemotherapy.' It can also be done with herbs. Sometimes it is even used in concert with drug therapy.

  • HY-3: da qing ye, chai hu, lithospermum, gan cao, chen pi
  • HY-4: ban lan gen, zhi zi, blechnum, gan cao, chen pi. To reduce virus potency, alternate with other Qu Xie formulas to avoid tolerance, less specific than other forms) - Good for asymptomatic patients
  • single herbs: zi hua di ding, xia ku cao, tian hua fen, huang lian, jin yin hua, chuan xin lian, niu bang zi, yin yang huo, zi cao, gou ji, guan zhong, qian li guang

Sometimes, both strategies (Supporting the Righteous and Dispelling Evils) are used together.

  • HY-7: (mod of Qing fei tang, platycodon & fritillaria) - Ai ye(art annua), chang-shan (dichroa), chai hu, huang lian, huang bai, xing ren, tian men dong, zhu ru, zhi zi, bei mu, sheng jiang, fu ling, da zao, gan cao, sang bai pi, mai men dong, jie geng, wu wei zi, dang gui… (Lung deficiency with Heat, e.g. Pneumocystis Pneumonia)
  • HY-22: (fu zheng & quxie)- huang qi, fang feng, ren shen, dan shen, ban lan gen, da qing ye, shu di huang, lu jiao jiao, dang gui, gan cao, tu fu ling, tu si zi, ji xue teng (Circulate xue, clear heat and toxins)
  • HY-27: (mod Anemone Comb) - Anemone, brucea, huang lian, dichroa, fraxinus, huang bai, sanguisorb, terminalia (Cryptospor) As enema
  • HY-30: zi hua di ding, jin yin hua, yin yang huo, gan cao, huang qi, ling zhi, nu zhen zi (clr ht, detox, enhance immune symptom)
  • Enhance: ling zhi, ban lan gen, da qing ye, bai mu er, chuan xin lian, chen xiang, bai hua she she cao, gou qi zi, dang gui, xi yang shen, nu zhen zi, shu di, ji xue teng, huang qi, jin yin hua, yin yang huo, rou cong rong, kun bu, wu wei zi, bai zhu, dan shen, yu jin, zi hua di ding, chen pi, bai shao, he shou wu, du zhong, sha ren, gan cao
  • "Herb Tea #1" (from a chinese study): huang qi, wu wei zi, ling zhi, nu zhen zi, dang gui, mai men dong, xia ku cao, gan cao, da zao, chi shao, chuan san qi, da qing ye, ci wu jia, tian hua fen, he shou wu, dong chong xia cao. Increased weight of thymus, IL-2 levels in spleen, antibiotic function of B cells, Natural Killer cell activities.


How Western and Chinese Medicine Treatments may be combined

  1. Sometimes western drugs and chinese medicine are used together to treat the same symptoms. This can allow for a decrease in the drug dosage. This makes sense since the drugs tend to have more damaging side effects.
  2. Drugs and Chinese Medicine together; drugs as chemotherapy (dispelling) and supporting herbal formula to offset the weakening effect of toxic drugs.
  3. Chinese medicine may be used instead of drugs when the patient isn't strong enough to continue chemotherapy. The patient can then regain strength. Supporting the Righteous, or combinations of mostly supporting and some dispelling.
  4. For symptomatic treatment without drugs. Most commonly with fever, headache, fatigue, CMV retinitis, wasting syndrome, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, PML.

There are still gray areas when drugs and herbs are combined. There are general principles for combining drugs and herbs (see your health practitioner), and a fair amount of research on specific herbs and drugs exists. It is important to note that research has proven that in some cases, the healing effects of drugs and herbs combined is greater.

It is best to have a chinese medicine herbalist and physician working together. (In California, acupuncturists and herbalists can order lab tests, but not in most states). Someone will need to monitor your lab values and know what to expect when herbs are added to your treatment regime.

Hopefully, your health care practitioners can cooperate, educate one another, and work together for your well being. In these days of cooperative care, any one of your practitioners' refusal to work with practitioners from other medicines might be grounds for termination.



Chinese Herbal Medicine Recipe (example)

In recent years the west has come to realise the great contribution that Chinese Herbal Medicine can make in many areas of health care. An example of this is the use of Chinese Herbal Medicine in the treatment of AIDS/HIV.

The following combination of Chinese herbs called Composition A Formulation has been used since spring1994 in the U.S., Canada, and Europe as a supplement for HIV/AIDS. The main action of these herbs is to promote cell-mediated immune functions, regulate hormone levels, and reduce inflammation.

                          Ganoderma           15.5%
                          Astragalus          11.5%
                          Isatis               6.0%
                          Millettia            4.0%
                          Phellodendron        3.8%
                          Hu-chang             3.8%
                          Oldenlandia          3.8%
                          Lonicera             3.8%
                          Deer antler          3.8%
                          Rehmannia            3.2%
                          Andrographis         3.0%
                          Sophora sub          3.0%
                          Salvia               3.0%
                          Tortoise shell       2.7%
                          Ligustrum            2.7%
                          Curcuma              2.5%
                          Atractylodes         2.5%
                          Ginseng              2.5%
                          Peony                2.5%
                          Epimedium            2.5%
                          Cistanche            2.5%
                          Lycium fruit         2.0%
                          Ophiopogon           2.0%
                          Tang-kuei            1.7%
                          Schizandra           1.7%
                          Licorice             1.6%
                          Cardamon             1.2%
                          Citrus               1.2%

         * Ganoderma, astragalus, deer antler, rehmannia, ligustrum,
           atractylodes, ginseng, epimedium, lycium fruit,
           ophiopogon, cistanche, tang-kuei, tortoise shell, and
           licorice are tonic herbs used to strengthen the resistance
           to disease, improve energy, nourish blood, and prevent
           deterioration. They make up just over half of the

         * Isatis, phellodendron, hu-chang, ionicera, andrographis,
           oldenlandia, and sophora are infection-inhibiting herbs
           that have a broad spectrum of action, affecting viruses,
           bacteria, and yeasts. These make up almost one-third of
           the formulation.

         * Millettia, salvia, curcuma, and peony are classified as
           blood circulating herbs that relax constriction of vessels
           and enhance nourishment of the tissues. They make up about
           one-eighth of the formulation.

More than 2,000 individuals have been monitored in HIV treatment programs using Chinese herbs during the last eight years. Reports of improved energy, reduced symptoms (including lymphatic swelling, nightsweats, and diarrhoea), and quicker recovery from secondary and opportunistic infections are common results--one or more of these favourable responses can be expected in about 60-75% of all individuals who follow the recommended Chinese herbal treatment.

No adverse reactions have been reported from using Chinese herbs with other kinds of therapy. In fact, Chinese herbs are frequently used to reduce the side-effects of Western drugs. Most people notice benefits of the herbs within a six weeks. The deterioration in health that is usually seen in persons with HIV does not appear to occur if treatment begins early and is pursued consistently. 

Another well documented example of the benefits of Chinese herbal medicine was a resent, controlled clinical trial conducted in Japan which showed that sho-saiko-to, an extract of seven Chinese herbs, helps prevent liver cancer in patients with cirrhosis. This is the first treatment in any medical system that offers such benefits.

In another study, a controlled, double-blind British clinical trial-a formula of 10 herbs produced impressive responses in treating severe atopic eczema, a widespread skin disease that was resistant to conventional Western therapies.

A trial of Chinese herbal medicine for malignant tumours of digestive system was conducted at the Longhua Hospital, Shanghai, China .The Chinese herbal treatment group received the same treatment as the control group except for the Chinese herbal administration.

In mainland China Herbal Medicine is not an alternative medical system it is THE medical system .It is used in conjunction with Acupuncture and together they are referred to as Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In the United Kingdom of Great Britain it is legal under Common Law for Herbal Practitioners to operate due to the unique "Herbalists Charter" introduced by King Henry VIII.





Ayurvedic   Herbal   Medicine





Tibetan   Herbal Medicine




Tibetan  Tsa-rLung   Energo-therapy







Postgraduate Research Options

The Cairn Erasmus Cross-Cultural Awareness Postgraduate Project is an Action-Research based, multilingual, interdisciplinary, inter-university postgraduate programme, that will provide genuine inputs of quality high education and NGOs cross-cultural awareness professional competences for students, researchers, personnel working or intending to work in the areas of social, health, education and crisis intervention in Nepal and Asia.

The principal objective of the Research is the creation of an infrastructure to support on-going dialogue between traditional healers and the conventional medical community, thereby enabling emergence of a united front for Training in Counselling and Traditional Healing in the struggle against HIV/AIDS.

The ultimate long-term objective is self-sustainability of the Online Training platform to facilitate exchange of scholars, practicioners, researchers and students for finding affordable and effective alternative anti-HIV therapies from natural products and traditional/alternative medical practices, so as to alleviate the sufferings of people living with the HIV disease, as an adjunct to currently available conventional treatment modalities.

The Online Network will also provide Online Coaching & Counselling, as well as promote a better understanding of traditional healing practices and stimulate constructive alliances between scientists and traditional healers to enhance global capacity, and to ensure quality and affordable healthcare for the target- population.

The five methodological components of this Pilot- research  project include :

- (i) under Applied Psychology : all issues linked to Counselling HRD training and behavioural change within Health Promotion,

- (ii) under Development Studies : issues related to social/health policy strengthening,

and :

- (iii) NGOs/PHCs capacity building,

- (iv) under Prospective Health Anthropology: all issues related to Himalayan Traditional Healing R&D Project management, including  Interlinked Qualitative / Quantitative Drug Case-studies & Epidemio Case Reporting System inputs

- (v) in regional strategic planning, as well as in Database Online and e-learning access ICT-/VLE System management.



Counselling & Traditional Healing  Psychotherapy  (R&D)

In terms of Research and Development (R&D) for Culturally Appropriate Health Education, the issues of Health Education and Treatment meant that Cairn/SXC Network had to progressively increase its visibility and credibility at grassroots, survey the resources existing in KTM and the Bauddha strategic -site, while also seeking for autonomy in terms of self-sustainable initiatives. Indeed, survival of strategic decision-making and project management at local level seldom fits with being busy drafting numerous projects to local donors, which redtapes, jargons, heavy paperwork and lobbying led Nepal Development Aid to what it is today. In short, some balance must prevail. Short- term budget hardly answers the vision of a long-term intervention, thereupon...

Persons with AIDS are seeking many different treatments, some using plant products, with the hope of obtaining either a cure or relief of symptoms. There is scientific evidence based on in vitro studies that some medicinal plants do in fact have inhibitory effects on HIV. A consultation on in vitro screening of traditional medicines for anti-HIV activity held in Geneva from 6 to 8 February 1989 offered promise that scientifically valid collaborative studies of traditional medicines, particularly medicinal plants, might lead to effective and affordable therapeutic agents.

Natural products can be selected for biological screening based on ethnomedical use, random collection or a chemotaxonomic approach (i.e., screening of species of the same botanical family for similar compounds), but the follow-up and selection of plants based on literature leads would seem to be the most cost-effective way of identifying plants with anti-HIV activity. No single in vitro screening methodology for anti-HIV activity is ideal and confirmatory assays in multiple systems are needed to examine completely the potential use of a compound.

There can be found in India and Nepal some anecdotal comments from Tibetan clinics patients who request more medicines from the clinic to boost their vitality and immune systems, some diagnosed under HIV stress. However, at this day of writing, we have no clear evidence that the medicine specifically helps HIV or AIDS patients. Generally, such natural medication does provide more energy balance and body&mind well-being, as well as has no side effects known, as a general comment. However, Tibetan physicians will tend to avoid abusive generalisation and diagnose the person on a case-to-case basis, because related HIV diseases often may come first from potential dysfunctionment that already are in the body.

Himalayan Traditional Medicine has maintained its popularity in the strategic target-sites here considered, as well as in most regions of the developing world, and its use is rapidly spreading in industrialized countries. Report of an Informal WHO Consultation on Traditional Medicine and AIDS: In vitro Screening for Anti-HIV Activities (Geneva, 6-8 February 1989), WHO/GPA/BMR/89.5, WHO Geneva, 1989

Some available information recently stressed that Chinese and Tibetan Herbal Medicine has been tested and had since then become very popular in China (Tibet TAR), not only because it was the locally least expensive of all available drugs in situ, but also because it was restoring the immune system function of the body so efficiently that (quoted) "in the majority of patients the CD4 counts were getting back to normal within 1 to 3 months, and a large number of viral secondary infections are cured at the same time". Cairn urges treatment based on personal diagnosis.

While this appears effectively a new way of looking at the treatment of HIV, the medicine itself is only a sophisticated mixture of Traditional Tibetan / Chinese herbs, used to cure immune system deficiencies. The herbal extracts are said to be easily accepted by the body...

Cairn is planning a serie of interactions at personal level with Tibetan Medicine certified Amchis, selected Nepalese Ayurvedic Healers, Chinese Medicine Doctors, HIV/AIDS Counselling Intervenors, Doctors, PHC and THC Workers, scholars and innovative religious or community leaders, working on issues related to Training in Health Education, Prevention, Ethnomedicine of Traditional Healing, HIV-/AIDS Allopathic and related media interest. These consultations (Y2004-05) will be used to disseminate knowledge, create dialogue and build public awareness on the future of Himalayan Traditional Medicine potentials, to develop a protocole for “Best Practices” in HIV/AIDS Counselling and Treatment, as well as transfer of knowledge and tested herbal products to other regions.

This initiative will be include to seek more partnerships with other NGOs and Donors, such as the WHO and EC-,  and will involve collaborations with a variety of grassroots organizations and local people living with HIV/AIDS, so as to increase awareness and improve public health programs and policies.



Needs  Diagnosis

The size of the HIV problem in the target- Tibetan/nepalese migrant population is unknown because there has been no systematic surveillance to date. However, we do know that many of the risk factors for an epidemic are present, moreover since the recent dramatic increase of Maoist insurgency refugees migration to Tibet (TAR China, India and Arabian countries, as well as the regional increasing of transborder tradelinks, from which one may forecast that the window of opportunity during which preventive actions could have been most benefit is rapidly closing.

While the formal task of other more recognized HIV/AIDS& IDUs NGOs networks can be to rapidly gather enough information to make plans and determine the appropriate direction for the program policies in the years to come, Cairn itself wants to focus on the Counselling and Traditional Health Psychotherapy specific components. It can do this in KTM together with recognized partners to meet in synergy the challenges that lie ahead.

As a  Counselling  & Traditional Healing  Psychotherapy  Curriculum Development focused initiative,  it completes the earlier  human resource development (HRD) EC- projects in the field of infectious disease control. These include training and exchange of students, collaborative training research protocols’, updating documentation and upgrading the system design. The aim is that in three years the Asian partners will operate as a Traditional Medicine Materia Medica, Philosophy and Psychotherapy Training Centre of Excellence. The established network will be capable of leading and stimulating regional activities in order to produce evidence to address the emerging needs and to translate the training into practices.



Action-  Research

Cairn Action Research for Traditional Health Counselling Training and capacity building emphasizes:

  • Training as Online Center in HIV/AIDS Counselling & Traditional Healing R&D Programme.
  • Training in NGOs capacity-building in Nepal and South Asia LCDs.
  • Networking of Technical Resources on Traditional Health Psychotherapy & Counselling.
  • Training in ICT-/VLE e-learning cum Dbase Systems (ECDL)
  • Training Online for paraprofessionals, health educators, students and researchers in counselling and cross-cultural research.



Training  Result

At the end of the training, Cairn expects that the participants will:

  • Be able to analyze psycho-social, ethical, legal and human rights aspect of HIV and AIDS from health and development perspectives.
  • Develop skills in related counselling and interventions for prevention and care at all levels.
  • Develop skills in research, advocacy, management and training at various levels, including :

    - to proceed with HIV counselling and testing services in both public and private sectors.  

    - to proceed with systemic, structural, resource and policy analysis of enabling or disabling factors for HIV/AIDS and related HRB.

    - to proceed with assessing the role of non-governmental (NGOs) and community based organisations in the national HIV/AIDS strategy and service delivery. 

    - to proceed with Qualitative Case-studies and Epidemiology Case Reporting Systems.

    - to network and work with selected/relevant Traditional Health practicioners & services.



Tibetan Medicine Introduction Tour&Studies


In order to facilitate the access in KTM / Nepal  to relevant Tibetan Medicine 
quality resources for EU- ECTS/ECDL credits training and research certificate,
Cairn has organized a  Tibetan Medicine Materia Medica, Philosophy  and 
Psychology curriculum based upon a stepwise culturally appropriate approach
being a  chronological succession of three (3) levels of scheduled courses 
and/or field- research activities, namely:

Level 1- is a 30 days long Cultural Immersion Tour & Introduction to Tibetan Medicine, 
(for  details on options, click here on : Tibetan Medicine Introduction Tours&Field-studies,

Level 2- is a three-months indepth training cum field-research into either Tibetan Medecine,
Philosophy or Psychology, this last option including Dzog-Chen, Tsa-rLung, Tantras
and other inputs relevant to professional psychotherapy training,
(see other links for details, hereunder)

Level 3- is a four-year long Postgraduate and/or  Doctorate Thesis (Option ECTS/ECDL),
divided into 3 distincted postgraduate modules, between 1 to 2 years each.
(see this link for more details at :


Cairn  Policy

Cairn  policy is to collaborate with selected local Primary Health Care, Traditional Health Care, Tibetan Medicine Centers, Social/Health Intervenors, recognized Ayurvedic Healers, Researchers and Scholars, within the mainstream of WHO and Nepal Public Health Policy, so as to conduct an evaluation for an envisioned TOT model program, and plan a further expansion to include public health education and the integration of Tibetan and other traditional medicine with western medicine.

Cairn/SXC first aim is and remains nonetheless to be an autonomous and dynamic independent entity, based first on local resources for continuing the projects and vision started during the 1999 Seminar. Daily collaboration with local Traditional Health Care Centers and Primary Health Care Workers, including the SXSSC Drug- Abuse Rehabilitation and Detoxification Center (Fr. W. Robins & Rajendra Shrestha) and with selected Amchis or Lamas involved in Tibetan Traditional Healing & Tsa-rLung Psychotherapy grassroots activities, are the substance of Cairn philosophy. 

Cairn believes that Tibetan Traditional Medicine not only retains a huge capacity to address a wide variety of health, psychosomatic and rejuvenation problems, but also represents an important pool of still untap resources in the joint-areas of Spiritual practices, Rejuvenation and Arts&Therapy.

Since the early 1980's cross-cultural research in Transpersonal Psychology (ITAS-ATB: Tarab Tulku), Cairn has focused its R&D on the utilization of Tibetan Philosophy Tantras and Tsa-rLung Rejuvenation Healing technics as one of the more enlighted potentials contained in the social fabric and cultural heritage of the Himalayan region. 

Lately, Cairn Consortium decided to contribute to the revitalization of the Tibetan Medicine Dbase Research System through a pilot-projet focused on Drug-Abuse and/or HIV/AIDS health education, treatment and counselling. From an initial networking with selected PHC and  amchi health centres and the improvement of access to medicinal raw materials to disadvantaged target-groups, the programme is currently engaged in training research, which aims to directly address the problem of remedials to the pressing health, social and spiritual issues facing the Himalayan/Tibetan medical system. This accordingly studies the Materia Medica, Philosophy and Tantras Yogas, as well as the belief and attitudinal social dynamics of the target-groups and society.

It goes without saying, that from those activities, a core of precious opportunities  surface for European/Western scholars, researchers, students and eventual people seeking for relevant Tibetan Medicine related resources and/or help...

Cairn  International  Studies will improve European students' ability to work in an increasingly globalized environment in Nepal and surrounding Asia. The goal is to prepare European students and trainees for focused international tasks, promote interactive and communicative skills and encourage an open and receptive attitude towards the Himalayan region ethnic cultures. Cairn Euro-Asian Network will further increase opportunities for internships, field-research and online studies within an international dimension and with selected international experts cooperation. 

Cairn Cross-Cultural Awareness program stresses that for an Euro-Asian cross-cultural training to be effective as an enhancement for an international development organization, it must deal with several complexities in the learning process, including that of providing flexible options for genuine Projects-based Cultural Immersion. Just providing information, or some online courses, is not an effective approach for the future Euro-Asian relations, beyond that of a basic introductory level. 

Cairn believes that such training should be an interactive intercultural process, through the use of flexible training modules being a menu of Cultural Immersion Options organized in strategic target-sites, where the behavioral situation, case studies, scenarios, critical incidents, catharsis and crisis resolution, will bring to participants and beneficiaries focused and longterm results. 

Cairn is also launching a stepwise development of a Mixed Mode Postgraduates and Masters ECDL/ECTS Certification centered around disciplines initiated from the EU partners units and linked with the pressing issues of Nepal/Asian LDCs Development Management. This unique mode of study allows students the flexibility to study through a combination of residential home courses in the EU, field-study in Asia, group sessions and flexible distance learning.  The recommended pattern of study starting in 2004/2005 is currently under-design, for the following options.





Jobs, study and training for 
European Postgraduates in Asia 

" In the future, interesting jobs will move to Asia!  See with us how to really work in Asia!..."


________________  Innovative programme    ________________

Cairn offers  academic  and  non-academic options,  open to all... 


Nepal / Himalayan Region
Field-study  Itineraries
click here!

CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates
in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars


Current  R&D Activities


HIV Tibetan Preventive Medicine
Traditional Healing principles are being developed for the HIV patients. 

pls, click here :

Drug Abuse Tibetan Tsa-rLung Psychotherapy

pls, click here :

Tsa-rLung Psychotherapy & Counselling 

pls, click here :

  • Euro-Asia Joint-curriculum Options 
  • Cross-cultural Awareness Priorities 
  • Online Tutoring & Multimedia Dabase 
  • Field-Research Cultural Immersion in Asia 
        contact address: <>

Cairn Himalayan / Tibetan Traditional Medicine Materia Medica, Psychotherapy and Counselling R&D will also be proposed within the envisioned EC- Erasmus Mundus Pgr.

Nepal / Himalayan Region
Field-study  Itineraries
click here!

CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates
in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars



New Postgraduate Options in  Euro-Asian  Cross-Cultural Awareness


Cairn is offering a new interdisciplinary postgraduate programme for exploring the current diversity and strategic issues raised by cultural differences between Asian and European people. To know local values, attitudes and belief systems (KABP), as they may apply to the decision making process in the ethnic and castes context of Asia, is of tremendous importance for the success of any venture, development aid- mission or job, as well as for knowing what consequences they can have on core issues in education, social/health intervention, crisis remediation,  international collaboration business, or in the daily life, for those who work with/in Asia. 


Drawing from the closely related disciplines of psychology, sociology and anthropology, the programme will familiarise postgraduate students and researchers with the context and nature  in cultural changes affecting Asian contemporary ethnic groups and societies, through examining experientially through a personalized cultural immersion or field-research project what are the current impacts in the social/health and education sectors, in post-development intervention (NGOS), in current cheap labour migration and international business, as well as on individuals.

While this core programme is the only one of its kind presented online, it draws its originality and credibility on more than 15 years daily involvement in strategic issues of the Himalayan regions, on the prevailing misconceptions in the West on core decision making issues and on the urgency to upgrade awareness on the values, attitude and beliefs for a better future. This programme is aimed at both new postgraduates, professionals (NGOs, SMEs and HEIs)  and those currently in research projects or envisioning employment with links with Asia. It provides research-orientated teaching online and in situ direct supervision in Asia, and can be studied full time (one to three years) or part time on a day release basis (two to five years). Research options are presented within the Open Menu Modules 

(click here)

Postgraduates and research applicants of this scheme will possess the experiential background and professional skills necessary to work efficiently in Asia, in a wide range of careers of an increasingly global and multicultural society.

The new scheme will be taught using both Cultural Immersion (Tour&Study) in selected strategic sites in Asia, as well as the usual combination of online courses, lectures, seminars, group work and practical fieldwork, including a dissertation. Students will be continuously assessed by tutors online on the basis of their essays, report writing and presentation of portfolios. There are no examinations for this programme, as the final aim is based on personalized experiential and tailored project which fulfilment will require genuine and continuous efforts on the ground...

Applicants should have a degree in a related subject and/or relevant professional qualifications and experience. This scheme is under the ECTS/ECDL  Adult Continuous Education / Open Menu European Certification Guidelines & Policy. (For more details click here)


Cairn Consortium academic network resources and facilities in Nepal, India, Europe, UK- and Canada are also open to all Asian postgraduates & trainees





Nepal / Himalayan Region
Field-study  Itineraries
click here!

CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates
in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars


|  CAIRN  Campus Online  Consortium   |   Postgraduate  Programme   |   Counselling   Training   |  Nepal Cultural Immersion  &  Field-studies   |   Powerplaces   |


Copyright©  and  Footnote

This webpage is part of the CAIRN Campus Online  Counselling Training (Tsa-rLung) being designed for the academic year 2004-05. It will be continuously upgraded
for improving its multimedia elements, aiming to attain a fully interactive wireless platform with forum (chat), video-streaming ,
VLE courses online and multimedia database applications, with a personalized login access and configuration.

If you found any errors or misconceptions in our webpage, or if you  have any problems loading Keltic Trilogy / Cairn Homepage with your browser,
kindly contact us by email at our address : <> , or  at : <>

CAIRN : " Center for Advanced Integrated Research in Nepal"  is a Non- Profit Organization (EU-NGO) / High Education (HEI) and Training Provider, affiliated with
the St- Xavier's Social Services and St- Xavier's Campus in KTM / Nepal,  the UWS/CDS (Swansea University Wales / Center for Development Studies),
the UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP (Anthropologie Prospective Unit UCL/LLN), the UCL/FOPES (Adult Education / Development Aid Section at UCL/LLN),
the ISI-CNV Institute (PNL Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Training Nice/S-of-France), as well as with selected INGOs, Education NGOs,
Tibetan and Himalayan Traditional Social/Health Care Units or  CHOWs Training Centers in Nepal, India, Canada, USA and the EU-

All documents, courses layouts and seminars archives are copyright at UCL/ANSO/LAAP under reference :  CAIRN PGR 2001-04!

Copyright © 1997-2004 by William R. LEON c/o Keltic Trilogy / CAIRN Consortium
- All rights reserved - Advanced Integrated Field-studies cum Training -


What is Erasmus Mundus?

Erasmus Mundus (formerly Erasmus World) is a programme proposed by the European Commission intended "to enhance quality in European higher education and to promote intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries."

Designed as a five-year project (2004-2008), money will be available primarily for "third-country nationals" (i.e. citizens of non-European Union countries) to study in "Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses", and for EU nationals to study abroad at non-European institutions that are participating in such joint European postgraduate courses. In addition, some funding for the development and operation of selected courses is proposed. The start of Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses with participation of third-country students is anticipated to begin in September 2004.

The Commission estimates that around 480 students would participate in the programme by 2008, and approximately 100 programmes would be designated as "Erasmus Mundus Courses". In total, €230 million is available for the entire project.